The Liebster Award Nomination.


I woke up this morning to read the wonderful news that I had been nominated for this award. I’ve just enjoyed completing blogging101 at WordPress university, which was educational, inspirational and fun. This is the icing on the cake.

Thank you to for the kind nomination.

This award is intended to spread the love, and encourage growth, and is supported by the following rules:

  1. Display the Liebster award on your blog.
  2. Thank and link back to your nominator.
  3. Answer the nominator’s 11 questions.
  4. Nominate 11 other bloggers with about 200 or fewer followers and link to them.
  5. Draft 11 new questions for your nominees.
  6. Notify your nominees via their blogs or social media.

Right down to business. I have been asked the following questions:

1.How do you fit blogging into your life?

With a shoe horn! Working full time and other interests (like eating and sleeping) limit the time available, but I’m trying to build it into a regular routine. I have to be honest, there’s still some blogging101 homework I need to complete….

2.Do you spend more time posting on your own blog or looking at other blogger’s material?

It depends upon how inspired I’m feeling or if I’m looking for that inspiration. At it’s probably 50:50.

3.Vegemite, Promite, or Marmite? (Careful, – this could be a trick question!) :).


4.How have your friends and family reacted to your interest in blogging?

Hmm. It’s a bit of a secret. My husband knows and is a great proof reader, although he probably wishes that I didn’t disappear into my den so much….

5.If you had to spend a whole day inside a building, which one would it be?

Lincoln Cathedral. Our first visit reduced my husband and myself tears. It is so magnificent. I can only begin to imagine how it would have inspired wonder and awe when it was first built. We hope to return this year.

6.What gives you the most pleasure, – the journey or the destination?

The journey. I haven’t reached the destination yet, just stopping off here and there.

7.Where are you right now?

In my den (box room) at home, sitting on a rescued piano stool.

8.Who are your heroes?

My Mum, in her late eighties and still energetic and mischievous. So many musicians, and composers, so I’ll pick Michael Stipe. Where did he get those words from?

9.Why do you blog?

To get things out of my system, to share what I find funny, beautiful and/or inspiring, and to connect to the rest of the blogging network.

10.If you had to lose one of your senses, which would it be?

Oooh. Tough one, but probably touch. Might make geocaching difficult. And blogging. Hmm, not sure I know the answer to this.

11.Would you rather be a whale or a shark? (Definitely a trick question!).

A whale. Or maybe a whale shark?

Here are my nominees, in no particular order. I am aware that this award is moving around a bit at this time, so I make no apologies if you have already been awarded, I second that nomination!!

I know that the award is for new blogs and some of these are far from new, but they are new to me…

I also encourage anyone who reads this post to take a look at all of the following.  “Surround yourself with people that reflect who you want to be and how you want to feel”. Which is what I am doing ….  Some great photos and very honest blogging. I’ll be revisiting and revisiting for photography tips.  Thank you for inviting me into your world. It’s fascinating.  Thoughtful posts on a variety of subjects. Kind enough to comment upon my posts with suggestions.  Vibrant quilts and insight into techniques. I will learn to quilt one day, in the meantime I am enjoying this visual oasis.  This blog is so beautiful. Please take time to look at the Secret Messages Project. My daily visit gave me a real lift on those dark January mornings.  Great sense of humour. A varied and interesting read. A book lover too.  I’m selfishly awarding to try to encourage him to post more photos!  A creative blog to make you feel good – thank you!  I love a good photo blog and this is one of my current favourites, I keep returning and finding more incredible shots.  Selfish award again, I would like to encourage more from vadare1. I really like her style of writing. More please!

Ok, here are my 11 questions:

  1. What made you start blogging?
  2. What is the most important thing that have you learnt since you started blogging?
  3. Three words that describe you.
  4. Three words that don’t!
  5. Bus or Train?
  6. How would you change the world outside your window?
  7. What was the last thing to make you laugh out loud? I mean really out loud.
  8. If you were a musical instrument what would it be?
  9. What is your favourite song lyric or hymn phrase.
  10. Ironing or Vacuuming?
  11. What will you be having for dinner tonight?

Thank you for reading and here’s hoping we continue to enjoy this journey together.
